Privacy Policy

广州骅视电子技术有限公司(Suniseepro) respects and protects the personal privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and better services, we will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. This information will be treated with a high degree of diligence and prudence.

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, this information will not be disclosed or provided to third parties without your prior permission. We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When you accept the contract for using the app service, you are deemed to have accepted the entire content of this privacy policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Service Use Agreement.

Everyone has different privacy concerns, and our goal is to be clear about what information we collect so you can make informed choices about how it is used.

1) When you register an APP account, you provide personal registration information according to APP requirements, and personal data will only be transferred to the scope of your personal authorization. In addition, we only collect the data we need to maintain the services our company provides to you.

2) Obtain account verification information

3) Read phone status and identity

We need to read your identity and mobile phone status. We will not collect or store the requested data. We can only use device identification to adapt to our multi-language and provide you with better services.

4) Turn on microphone recording and voice

We need access to your device's microphone. We do not collect or store the requested data, it is only accessible via cameras or receivers.

5) Request input method service

We need to request input method services in order to switch languages according to different countries and regions;

6) Allow the program to discover and connect to the device

It is necessary to request that the mobile device be allowed to discover and identify the device, so as to achieve remote operation on the mobile terminal;

7) Trigger vibration and notification after the alarm push service is received

We need to request the alarm reminder service provided in the APP, so as to timely feedback and notify the user;

8) Get your location: approximate location (based on network), precise location (based on GPS and network)

We need to request to analyze the location of the mobile device by calling GPS and cooperating with the network;

9) Control positioning update

We need to request location updates over the network for mobile devices that are moving;

10) Network communication

a) View network connections

Display the current network status of the mobile device: such as 4G network

b) Obtain WLAN hotspot information

Display information about the connected WLAN: e.g. name

c) View WLAN connections

d) Change network connection status

e) Connect to WLAN network and disconnect

f) Full network access

g) Obtain network status, whether the network connection is valid

11) When you use the APP network service or visit the APP platform webpage, the APP automatically receives and records your information, including but not limited to your mobile network information, IP address, Wi¬Fi access point, operating system version, software Data such as version, language used, date and time of access, software and hardware feature information, and web page records you need;

12) Application information

a) retrieve running applications;

b) boot up

Details of the following data collected when using the application: User's IP address Mobile device login data (including the device's ID)

c) Data generated throughout the use of the camera or receiver by using our App, such as the date and time of the call, the amount of data generated by the camera or receiver, and notifications that will also be successfully transmitted to your mobile device .

d) To use this application, you must register with the application platform. Therefore, you must have submitted your personal data such as name, email address, etc. Part of the provided data will be provided to us by the online store operator. The collected data will be stored and is necessary for the performance of the contract.

13) When you view APP screenshots and video playback, enter the album video access authority; if you want to view screenshots or videos, you need the user's permission. With the user's permission, you can view screenshots and video playback;

14) Graphic display support, preview and playback, and read frame buffer for screenshots. With the user's permission, the APP will call the screenshot function of the mobile phone to take screenshots of the screen;

15) Control vibration and allow receiving WLAN multicast;

16) System tools: modify system settings;

17) Set the screen orientation to display in landscape or portrait mode;

18) Push notification

If you want to display our push notifications on your mobile device, even if the app is not open on your phone, you must give us permission. When you start the app for the first time, we will ask for your permission. The app uses these so-called push notifications only with your express consent. You can deactivate push notifications at any time in your device settings;

19) Allow the program to perform the operation of formatting the TF card. To delete the content, we need to ask the user for permission to operate the TF card;

20) Will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless your permission is obtained in advance, or the third party and our APP provide you with services individually or jointly, and in the service After closing, it will be prohibited from accessing all such materials including those previously able to access;

21) No third party is allowed to collect, edit, sell or disseminate your personal information by any means. If any user engages in the above activities, once discovered, our company has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user;

22) Information disclosure Under the following circumstances, your personal information will be disclosed in whole or in part according to your personal wishes or legal regulations:

a) Disclosure to third parties with your prior consent;

b) In order to provide the products and services you requested, it is necessary to share your personal information with third parties;

c) According to the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial agencies, disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial agencies;

d) If you have violated relevant laws, regulations or this service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose it to a third party;

e) If you are an intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes;

f) In a transaction created on the APP platform, if any party to the transaction fulfills or partially fulfills the transaction obligations and makes a request for information disclosure, our APP has the right to decide to provide the user with the contact party of the counterparty;

g) Other disclosures deemed appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies;

23) Information storage and exchange

a) The information and data about you collected by the app will be stored on the server of the app and/or its affiliated companies, and such information and materials may be sent to your country, region or outside the country where the app collects the information and data and outside the country be accessed, stored and displayed;

b) Read the contents of your SD card;

c) Modify or delete the contents of your SD card;

24) Information security

Please keep your user name and password information properly to ensure that your information is not lost, so as to prevent the information we store from being accessed, tampered with, disclosed or destroyed without authorization. Please also note that there is no " Perfect security measures”;

25) When using APP network services for online transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially if your username and password are leaked, please contact relevant personnel immediately so that corresponding measures can be taken;

26) Unique Application Number

Certain Services include a unique application number. This number is sent along with installation-related information (such as operating system type and application version number) when you install or uninstall related services or when these services communicate with our servers on a regular basis (for example, to perform automatic software updates) to the application platform;

27) Does not contain unauthorized copyrighted content;

28) There are no dangerous download links or buttons;

29) Does not include deceptive or intrusive advertisements, advertisements that interfere with the device functions of the application, and advertisements with inappropriate content. Any advertisements placed in the application will be regarded as part of the application by the application platform;


30) App access to the third-party SDK directory In order to ensure the realization of App-related functions and the safe and stable operation of the application, we may access the software development kit (SDK) provided by the third-party and related parties to achieve related purposes.

We will conduct strict security monitoring on the software tool development kit (SDK) used by our partners to obtain information to protect data security. The relevant third-party and related party SDKs we access are listed in the catalog.

Please note that the third-party SDK may have some changes in the type of data processing due to its version upgrade, policy adjustment, etc., please refer to the official description published by it.

Integrated SDK

1. Integrate SDK for message push

      a), Google Push SDK

            Purpose of use: Push messages

            Types of data collected: device identification information, access


31) The APP is used in conjunction with surveillance cameras. When using the APP, some of your necessary personal information may be obtained to provide relevant basic services

       Camera Permission: Enable the camera permission to allow this app to use the camera, and you can add devices by scanning the QR code

        Notification permission: Turn on the push permission, and the alarm message pushed to you by this app will be displayed on the notification bar, status bar, and lock screen

        Location permission: Turn on the location permission, which is convenient to obtain the current location information of the mobile phone when adding a device, search for device hotspots near the mobile phone, and determine whether the mobile phone is connected to the device hotspot

        Album permission: Turn on the album permission to allow the application to write to the storage device, and you can save screenshots and videos to the phone's local album

        Microphone permission: Turn on the microphone permission to allow the app to use the microphone to record audio, and you can initiate an intercom with the device during the real-time preview

        Obtain mobile phone number: Obtain the mobile phone number to identify the country where it is located and bind it with the email account

        When the APP is running in the background, it will obtain the running process information, obtain the device Mac address and the software installation list

        Get Mac address: used to identify users and prevent virtual users from accessing APP

        Obtain device IMSI: used to identify a unique client user and prevent virtual users from accessing the APP

        Obtain device serial number: used to identify users and prevent virtual users from accessing APP

        Collect SD card data: used for storing permissions, creating APP directories, saving pictures, and saving videos

       used to capture the screen, upload and push the screen picture to the user's mobile phone, and use it as a reminder, Will be used for AI face recognition

32) Account cancellation channel: The account deletion function is provided in the APP, and the APP My "Settings" cancels the account

33) Time limit for account cancellation: It will take effect immediately after cancellation, and you cannot log in to the APP to use it.

34) Obtain IMEI: Obtain the number of users to register devices, bind devices, register users, and prevent malicious brushing

35) The personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and no cross-border transmission will be involved.

In the future, if your relevant personal information is processed cross-border, if it is necessary to transfer the relevant personal information collected in China to overseas institutions, we will implement it in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant regulatory authorities. And ask for your consent and permission again before the data is transferred across borders, and then proceed with the data transfer. At the same time, we ensure that the location and purpose of data transfer are detailed in the privacy policy, so that you can always know where your personal information is stored. At the same time, we will adopt corresponding encryption, anonymization and other technologies to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected during transmission.

We only store your personal information within the minimum period necessary for the purpose of this policy and within the time limit required by laws and regulations. In order to provide you with cloud recording services, the longest storage period of videos captured by smart hardware on the server is based on the period of the "cloud recording" package you purchased. When you no longer use cloud recording, the relevant video files will not be stored on the server . If you stop using the APP or unbind the smart hardware, we will immediately stop collecting your personal information and anonymize the personal information you have provided to us within a reasonable period of time.

If we stop operating products or services, we will stop collecting your personal information in a timely manner, notify you of the notice of cessation of operation by delivery or announcement one by one, and delete or anonymize the personal information we store.




Our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy. We will post any changes to the Privacy Policy. For major changes, we will also provide more prominent notices (including for some services, we will send notices by email to explain the specific changes to the privacy policy).


The update date of this policy version is March 22, 2023, and it will come into force on March 22, 2023.